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Prompt Templates

todo write this

A PromptTemplate in Mindwave is a class that allows you to easily provide a text prompt, an OutputParser, and input variables (an array with key-value pairs to replace in the prompt). When the LLM accepts a PromptTemplate as an input, it replaces the placeholders in the prompt with the provided inputs and attempts to parse the response using an OutputParser.

Here's an example:

$prompt = PromptTemplate::create('Generate 10 keywords for {topic}')
    ->withOutputParser(new JsonListOutputParser())
        'topic' => 'Laravel',

Outputs the following:

Generate 10 keywords for Laravel
When responding to me please, please output the response in the following format:
    "data": array // An array of strings.

However, above all else, all responses must adhere to the format of RESPONSE FORMAT INSTRUCTIONS.
Remember to respond with a JSON blob with a single key, and NOTHING else.