todo write this
Simpletool is a class that accepts the tool name, description and a callback closure to easily allow you to build quick and dirty tools.
$tool = new SimpleTool(
name: 'Lookup',
description: 'Use this to lookup information you dont know',
callback: fn ($input) => "The secret word is 'mindwave_rocks_123'",
This can be useful when you want to provide an Agent with a simple tool to do a simple action, like searching for data, perform a request toan external data source etcl
todo : expand this with a realworld example
Custom Tools
Generate a tool using the mindwave:tool command or make a new class that implements the Mindwave\Mindwave\Contracts\Tool
namespace Mindwave\Mindwave\Tools;
use Mindwave\Mindwave\Contracts\Tool;
class RandomStringTool implements Tool
public function name(): string
return "Random String Generator";
public function description(): string
return "This tool provides a random string";
public function run($input): string
return return Str::random(20);
Handling inputs
todo: write explanation
namespace Mindwave\Mindwave\Tools;
use Mindwave\Mindwave\Contracts\Tool;
class RandomStringTool implements Tool
public function name(): string
return "Random String Generator";
public function description(): string
return "This tool provides a random string, input should be a number of how many charachters to generate";
public function run($input): string
$length = intval($input)
return return Str::random($length);